Member-only story
Why can’t I sleep? Damn you Covid-19 !
I have always loved sleeping. I think the reason I enjoy the idea of jumping into bed is on most nights I will have sensational dreams. Over the last six months, things have changed, I’m just not sleeping very well.
Waking up at three-thirty has become far too frequent an experience. There are some nights, I’m up at one, three-thirty, five and six-thirty. It is absolute madness. When I wake up I can’t remember what if anything I was dreaming about and it is often hard to get back to sleep.
I have started doing weird things like watching the news from Los Angeles. I am three hours ahead, so when I wake up I can usually turn on KTLA and watch some kind of bizarre car chase. I am starting to believe car chases are the national sport of Southern California. It is always startling when someone throws a gun out of a car while being chased. Doesn’t the perp know that everybody watching the news has seen him do it. There are thousands of witnesses. What Maroons.
I have also started watching reruns of old shows, and movies that were made for low to no budget. I’m amazed that someone actually bought the movie for their station. I bet the Producers laugh every time they hear their film was broadcast. The problem is, instead of putting to me sleep this crappy television keeps me awake.