
Whoosh..Reading many of the comments about your story makes me wonder if those who wrote antisemitic comments actually understood what you were discussing. They use moral equivalency when there is none. Israel was attacked in the most barbaric way possible with genocidal maniac

saying they would do it over and over again. Israel is a nation that allows other religions to practice freely. It is a country that allows the LBGQTI community to live freely. If left alone Israel would change the world through science and technology. Instead those who hate Israel and the Jews want to wipe us out. The fact the Palestinian Authority pays people to murder Jews and Hamas is a death cult doesn't seem to register. Thanks for your well written article. Haters will Hate and rationalize everything they write. You shed some light and cockroaches hate light.



Alan J. Schwarz

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.