Trying to stop physical abuse against a woman and failing…A terrible story

Alan J. Schwarz
9 min readAug 3, 2021

It was a Saturday morning and I was tired. The night before there had been a big family Friday Night Shabbat dinner and we all drank a lot of wine and sat and talked for hours. I looked at the clock before going to bed and it was four am.

I was in the synagogue at nine and was half asleep when I heard a couple of kids come running in. I slowly opened one eye and they took seats in the back. I would guess they were about nine and ten years old. One was a boy, the other a little girl. They were also rowdy. I looked across the aisle at the Mother and she was a petite blonde woman. She seemed to be somewhat nervous as she kept looking around and I wondered if it was a result of having two kids who seemed full of unlimited energy.

The Rabbi was talking about an upcoming event, and I could see the woman perk up, maybe she was planning to join the community. More people slowly filtered in. I was starting to feel more awake.

The Torah reading was very interesting and the Haftorah (a special reading) resonated, it was called ‘’Zohar’’ and it was about a group called Amolek who in every generation try to wipe the Jewish people out. Amoleks still pose a threat to the Jewish people’s survival. When you hear a major anti-semite spouting nonsense about the Jewish people you can bet…



Alan J. Schwarz

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.