The Smallest Crack, The Biggest Hole

Alan J. Schwarz
5 min readOct 25, 2023

Casual comments can lead to disaster

Image by meineresterampe from Pixabay

Max Brekins was having a very difficult day. His Doctor had told him he had to relax more or his heart would explode, but Max couldn’t. He was glued to CNN and the more he heard about the atrocities carried out by Hamas against the Jewish people, the more he wanted to scream and yell. They had butchered innocents and there was very little he could do about it.

He missed Israel and felt like he was letting everybody he knew in the Promised land down. He had checked into getting flights back to the country, but there were very few airlines flying back to Tel Aviv. He lived a torn life.

Max was friends with Cybil Shantz and she invited him out for a bite. There were going to LaMouche Bistro, which was one of her favourite restaurants. Max was going but his heart wasn’t into it.

Cybil had received tenure at York University and she specialized in Philosophy. Max was a diamond broker. He looked very unassuming, but he had accumulated wealth beyond his wildest dreams. One of his goals was to make anonymous substantial contributions to charity on a very regular basis.

The restaurant which was located on Avenue Road and Davenport was extremely husy. If you didn’t have a reservation you…



Alan J. Schwarz
Alan J. Schwarz

Written by Alan J. Schwarz

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.

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