Member-only story
The Rabbi and the major disappointment…
Alan Spring loved his parents with every ounce of strength in his body. He knew how much his Dad loved his business and when he got sick, Alan left what he was doing to join him. He never thought twice about it. He believed if his Dad needed him he would answer the call, period.
Alan always believed that the line in the Ten Commandments ‘’Honour Thy Mother and Thy Father’’ was about being there for your parents when they were older. He intended to fulfill the commandment.
Jonas Spring was on dialysis and wanted to keep his business going. He needed purpose or the only thing he would have in his life would be going to dialysis three days a week for four hour sessions and that wasn’t exactly fun or stimulating. Alan knew it would kill his Dad.
Over a six year period, Alan spent everyday with his Father and it was the best time of his life. He loved his Dad, he was smart and funny and a character. He had a great sense of humour and he was extremely smart. He was respected in his industry and competitors admired the loyalty of his clients. Even on dialysis Jonas maintained a strong work ethic. Customers loved his honesty and decency. Alan enjoyed being able to talk to him about anything and everything, besides being his Father, Jonas was his best friend.