The Anti-Semitic Comedians Who Ruined My Night In Dublin, Ireland

Alan J. Schwarz
3 min readDec 31, 2023

Being a Racist is not ever funny

Image by KERBSTONE from Pixabay

The rain was falling softly and I was enjoying my honeymoon. After visiting some incredible restaurants and museums around Ireland, my wife and I (sounded so strange to say my wife) had landed in Dublin for our last night of fun before heading back to Vancouver.

We ate dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Sole and were talking about plans for the rest of the night when the waitress came over to the table. In her delightful Irish lilt she said ‘’Looking for some fun later, I’d suggest you go to the best comedy club in Dublin, they have some of Ireland’s funniest people. I’m sure you’ll have a good time and much laughter.’’

We took the address and went online to make reservations. It was a snap and after dinner we headed off. We stopped at a pub where there was a rousing rendition of ‘’Fairy Tales of New York’’ being sung by the performers on stage and the people at the pub. The music reached the soul and it was a moment to be caught in time.

After enjoying a Guinness we headed off to the comedy club. We were in fantastic moods. The dinner and the pub had pushed us in the right trajectory for a night of laughter.

We arrived just as the doors were opening and went up the stairs to a smallish room…



Alan J. Schwarz

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.