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Sad and Tragic..I Don’t Understand Kanye West and his crusade to cause pain and hurt to the Jewish people…
Why is he following in the footsteps of haters?
Since today, November 9th is the Anniversary of Kristallnacht, I had to write what I was feeling regarding hate.
I always thought Kanye West was a good guy. I had that impression because of the way he spoke about his Mom and his devotion to his faith and Gd. The past few weeks have proven he is not such a decent person at all, in fact he is a creep. His actions remind me of the ancient Crusaders. I wonder if he reads the bible. One of the Ten Commandments is ‘’You shall not covet’’ and he seems to be doing a lot of that towards the Jewish community. He seems to hate any success that Jews may have earned. He begrudges their success.
In 1938 some of my family were able to get out of Germany and some of them didn’t. The Jewish people were subjected to vitriol and hate speech and discrimination by Nazi types prior to the Holocaust. All kinds of Anti-Semitic tropes were used including the biggest lie of all that Jews controlled everything. Unfortunately, haters still repeat those lies and the results are often disastrous for the Jews. It becomes worse when high profile entertainers and athletes publicly support those with an agenda of hate.