Member-only story
My Medium Numbers have shrunk dramatically and I really don’t care…
Writing should be for the right reasons
When I started writing short stories for Medium, it was a complete and total escape from the events and things going on around me. it was my escape.
An amazing thing happened to me. The more I wrote the higher my readership numbers went. I was amazed. I loved writing and the idea of getting a nice additional passive income for doing something I loved was a bonus and it was addictive. The higher the check the more I wanted to write. I didn’t care who was reading and in some cases what I was writing, I just wanted eyes on my stories and I thought about ways to capture an audience.
When I received insulting critiques from someone who called himself/herself the ‘’Professor’’ I loved it. The notes were sharp and insulting and fun. The Professor wanted to know why I felt qualified to write and provided a constant barrage of insults. I received two nasty notes and they put a huge smile on my face. I thought the idea of someone caring enough about my writing to take the time to voice their opinion, was amazing. I really felt the Professor’s notes were tongue in cheek, and I enjoyed getting them, and then they stopped.
In fact after writing three hundred and sixty five short stories I slowed my writing roll. I’m now up to…