Member-only story
Me and My Donkey…
I grew up as a blessed child. My family had left Germany in 1938 to escape the Nazis and had ended up in Ontario, Canada. My Grandparents were exceptional people and they had two sons my Dad, Joe and my Uncle Carl.
Schwarz Brothers Livestock had a milking operation and we bought and sold dairy cattle for export to the United States. In my family, there was my older brother, my sister and myself.
My brother was an excellent horseman. He could ride like the wind. We had two Shetland ponies, Lady and Frisky. I, unfortunately, was not very proficient. In my early days, my Dad would lead Frisky down to the end of the field and then release his grip. I would go for a fast ride and we would repeat a few more times and that was it.
On Saturday afternoons I spent time with my Grandparents. My Grandmother made exceptionally good chicken soup. She was a very loving Grandma and I enjoyed her company. My Grandfather was funny and smart. He didn’t suffer fools easily. He loved the cattle business.
On my tenth birthday, I went with my family to visit my Grandparents to share my Birthday cake. My Grandmother gave me a Birthday card and a build your own fort set. My Grandpa pulled me aside. He smiled and said ‘’The present I bought you is at the farm.’’