Jack Leiber, The Unlikely High School Football Hero…

Alan J. Schwarz
6 min readJan 17, 2021

Coach Cliff Whitticomb was sitting in his office and he was angry. He had just received and read an edict from his school board that the name ‘ Redskins’’ had to be retired. The decision was made when a First Nations student Kimberly Tooly had complained to the media that the school administration at Beau Vista wouldn’t listen to her complaints. She made it very clear that the name Redskins was racist, insulting and unacceptable. As soon as the media got hold of the story an emergency School board meeting was convened and in a unanimous vote the name was officially suspended. This made all six foot five of Coach Whitticombe angry. He hated all this political correctness. He had been a coach at Beau Vista for fifteen years and nobody had ever complained about the Redskin name before.

It was his second aggravation of the morning, the other was that lippy kid Jack Leiber. Leiber was the backup Quarterback on his football team and he shouldn’t have been. Wayne Legace should have been the backup but the idiot had ripped his ACL and was out for the season. Leiber wanted to play and didn’t even earn his role. According to the new rules of High School sports any student who wanted to be on their High School Sports team had to be allowed to play on the team. No questions asked and no refusals. They also had to be given time on the playing field during a game.



Alan J. Schwarz

Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.