Member-only story
The humiliation of Jake Shapiro…Breakup to follow..
Everything in Jake Shapiro’s world had gone completely to shit. He was feeling depressed over the fact that a project he had been involved in for six months with two other people had come to an abrupt end. He discovered unfortunately too late that the lead guy on the project was full of crap and the other guy he was working with didn’t have a whole lot to contribute when it counted. It was so frustrating because the project they were working on was solid, and now it would sit on a shelf until it could be restarted. It was troubling that he had so much faith in the people he was working with and he had not only been disappointed but he felt slammed to the ground.
Once he had his strength back, Jake would try to resurrect the project, but at the moment things looked very glum. Looking for new partners who had the right Bona Fides was going to be challenging. His bank account was quickly being depleted and the threat of Covid-19 didn’t allow him to get out as easily he would have liked. He went to the grocery stores and walked his dog but that was the extent of his involvement with the outside world. He did have zoom meetings and he attended webinars, but it wasn’t the same as live interactions.
Jake had been going out with Leah Daniels for about five years. He had met Leah after her divorce and they shared many good times, but Covid…